Eric Jacobs

Eric Jacobs was born in 1923 in Newmarket Road and moved to The Causeway when he was five years old. ‘In the summertime we used to go up the river to Reach Lode, strip off in the ditch and swim. There was a part-flooded pit as you go from Burwell to Fordham where they used to dig the chalk out, and we used to swim there sometimes. I reckon it was about 15ft deep – if you dived in on a summer’s day, the surface was nice and warm but if you went any depth below it was cold!’

Time Topics described
00:00:00 Tape Introduction
00:00:15 Eric Walter Jacobs born 1923 Newmarket Road, Burwell
00:00:30 Moved aged 5 to Causeway
00:00:45 Description of house
00:02:00 Younger sister Rita, father Samuel and mother Lilly (nee Prewer) originally from Exning
00:02:45 Father was also a carpenter/joiner as was Eric
00:03:30 Octagonal work box Eric made for wife after war service
00:04:30 Description of The Causeway and time when no water in houses, just public pumps
00:05:00 Put tap in bottom of a pail to make getting a little water easy
00:06:15 First school was St Mary’s which folk from top of village went to. Other half of village went to St Andrew’s
00:07:00 Went to British school later
00:08:00 Fun times during school years including swimming in old chalk pit
00:09:45 Married the farmers daughter and moved to Klondike farm
00:11:00 Memories of grandparents who lived on Outness Road
00:11:30 Grandfather worked as a surveyor on Newmarket District Council so was one of few that had a car
00:12:00 Remembers car had a dickey seat
00:14:00 Father worked for Percy Martin who owned several cottages on The Causeway and they moved to one
00:14:30 Woodwork lessons at school
00:16:00 Entered apprenticeship with Cambridge builder
00:18:00 Description of workshop
00:19:30 Putting a new chimney pot on a house
00:20:30 Loosing end of fingernail in planner
00:21:15 Working with father later in life
00:22:00 Called up to the RAF circa 1945
00:23:00 Fitting out box wagons as mobile offices
00:23:30 RAF basic training
00:25:00 Went to live on farm after getting married
00:25:30 First knew wife at school then met at Chapel youth group
00:26:30 Baptised by total emersion
00:28:00 Got married in 1945 which he never regretted
00:28:15 At first lived on her father’s farm and then moved with her father into his present house
00:28:45 His father lived on the Causeway
00:29:30 He was working at time on Newmarket Heath
00:29:45 Reflections on changes in Burwell
00:30:30 The different catchment areas for local schools
00:31:00 Local shops
00:32:00 The doctors surgery
00:33:00 Description of his present house originally built for a retired couple with accommodation for a housekeeper
00:34:45 Reflections on the type of work done
00:35:45 Was not called up because he was a reserved trade
00:37:00 Work in RAF
00:38:30 Worked with brother-in-law
00:39:15 Philosophy of working life as a carpenter
00:40:30 Had four children
00:41:15 Second description of present house they moved into with his father-in-law when mother-in-law died
00:42:45 Talking about children
00:44:30 Houses worked on in Burwell
00:45:00 Had to take responsibility for work. If customer complained h was sent back to fix it.
00:45:45 Memories of Steven’s Mill
00:47:30 Going to coast with grandfather using the dickey seat in his car
00:48:45 Taking children to coast in his van
00:49:45 Wife’s Wurlitzer organ on which Eric was self taught
00:51:30 Talking about family photographs
00:53:34 Finish