Joan White

Joan White was born in 1925 at Gravelpit Farm, Heath Road, about a mile and a half outside Burwell, one of eight children. She moved into the village when she married in 1948. ‘On the farm we had cows, bullocks, horses, chickens, and turkeys there for Christmas, my father used to pluck them and my mother used to draw them all ready. We had fun in the harvest time, we used to go out in the harvest fields all day, behind the binder [which cut the corn], my brothers used to horse lead, and the days all seemed to be sunny then …’

Time Topics described
00:00:00 Tape inroduction
00:01:05 Meeting husband after war and moving into Burwell village from Heath Road
00:03:50 Life at Gravelpit Farm, Heath Road
00:04:10 During war joined civil nursing service
00:04:50 Description of farm
00:06:04 Fetching water for Saturday night baths
00:06:21 Brothers and sisters (8 in all)
00:06:48 St Mary’s School
00:07:30 Plucking Christmas turkeys and fun at harvest time
00:08:35 Horse leading, catching rabbits for pies, sugar beating, pickin potatoes
00:10:50 School days at British School till 14. Avoiding the “witch” on walk to school
00:12:36 Memories of mobile shops
00:15:00 Sunday school trips and school sports
00:16:00 First trip to Newmarket and other trips
00:17:20 Memories of father
00:18:20 Homes during marriage
00:19:10 Worked in Mr Hobs’ general store till kids. Later Burwell House and then took in dress making
00:20:20 Memories of rationing
00:22:05 Memories of Steven’s Mill
00:24:00 War years as an auxillary nurse, looking after wounded German prisioners of war
00:22:03 Met war wounded husband in village where his parents had been evacuated to.
00:27:20 Reflections on Burwell village changes
00:30:20 Things at museum that bring back memories
00:31:45 Dress making in the village
00:33:40 Life as a junior nurse
00:35:40 Wounded husband did light work at Marshalls and Pye before death in 1977
00:36:57 Finish